CG mission​
The mission of the Current Generation is to promote and assert the socio-cultural values of countries at national and international levels, to contribute to the training of young leaders; to seek opportunities for youth, and to contribute to the safeguarding of the memories, traditions, and cultures of peoples.
As defined in this Constitution of the Organization, the aim of the Current Generation is to:
Raise awareness among all national and international actors on the protection of values
historical and cultural of the countries.
Raise awareness among young people about their involvement in the construction of their country.
Supervise and work with youth associations and/or organizations to develop a synergy to train young leaders in the services of their countries.
Promote intergenerational exchanges.
Look for partners who can train young leaders for a good
understanding of the different concepts related to sustainable development.
Work with schools, universities, artists, and other entities on the need to promote a healthy, livable, and proud world in the eyes of all.
Encourage the efforts of young leaders in the process of developing them
The Organization's vision is to create an intergenerational platform aimed at promoting the values of all social strata, particularly those of present and future generations.
Having regard to the adoption of the Constitutive Act of the organization " Current Generation” dated January 1, 2022.
Considering that it is necessary to establish principles and standards to govern the functioning of the members of the organization.
After the discussions, the founding members listed in the table above concluded that:
Chapter I: Name, Seat, Duration, Symbol
Article 1.- It is created, on January 1, 2022, an organization called "Current Generation" whose acronym is CG.
Article 2.- The headquarters of the Organization is in New York and may be transferred to any city of the country on the decision of the Executive Committee in common agreement with 2/3 of its members convened in the General Assembly, to discuss the merits of this trip.
Article 3.- This transfer will be possible from a favorable vote of 2/3 of the members of the members present.
Article 4.- In the event of an unfavorable vote, the coordinator has the obligation to convene the members of the Executive Committee within an interval of 8 days to discuss the failure of the vote and find a new agreement to redo it if necessary.
Article 5.- The organization is created for an indefinite period and takes effect from the date of its official approval by the competent bodies of the State where it was founded.
Article 6.- The emblem of the Organization is a circle of blue and red color, separated in the center by the name (Current Generation) placed on a white background.
The circle represents the integration of all generations regardless of race, gender, class and color.
The colors blue and red successively symbolize trust, loyalty and
Victory, placed on the white background: model of clarity and transparency.
Article 7.- the slogan of the Organization, is "Face of Opportunity"
Chapter II: Missions, Visions, Objectives, and Fields of Activity
Article 8.- Mission
The mission of the Current Generation is to promote and assert the socio-cultural values of countries at national and international level, to contribute to the training of young leaders; to seek opportunities for youth and to contribute to the safeguarding of the memories, traditions and cultures of peoples.
Article 9.- Vision
The Organization's vision is to create an intergenerational platform aimed at promoting the values of all social strata, particularly those of present and future generations.
Article 10.- Objectives of the Current Generation, (GC):
As defined in this Constitution of the Organization, the aim of the Current Generation is to:
Raise awareness among all national and international actors on the protection of values
historical and cultural of the countries.
Raise awareness among young people about their involvement in the construction of their country.
Supervise and work with youth associations and/or organizations to develop a synergy to train young leaders in the services of their countries.
Promote intergenerational exchanges.
Look for partners who can train young leaders for a good
understanding of the different concepts related to sustainable development.
Work with schools, universities, artists, and other entities on the need to promote a healthy, livable, and proud world in the eyes of all.
Encourage the efforts of young leaders in the process of developing them
Article 11.- Fields of activity of the Current Generation:
The Current Generation is called upon to work in various activities:
Publications, organization of conferences, meetings, and participation in debates
public interests.
Organize socio-cultural and educational activities.
Looking for economic opportunities ... for young people and help them to experience
their talent.
Organize trainings, seminars and undertake any initiative that may
lead to the achievement of the objectives of the Organization.
Chapter III: Categories of Members
As defined in the Constitution, the GC is composed of two categories of members:
ï‚· Founding Members
ï‚· Adherent Members.
Article 12.- A founding member is any natural or legal person, without distinction of sex, race, social class, and color, or political or religious affiliation, who has actively contributed to the creation of the organization, either by the conception of ideas, or by the drafting of statutory texts, or by the design and drafting of projects leading to the creation of the Organization. Note that this is taken into consideration only before the official recognition of the organization.
Article 13.- The founding members are for the majority the members of the Executive Committee of the Organization.
Article 14.- Adherent members, any natural or legal person, without distinction of race, sex, political or confessional affiliation, being expressly linked to the Organization after its official recognition.
Article 15.- The status of adherent member is effective only after having received an express notification of the coordination of the GC which will have reached you within a period of five
(5) days from the date of signature of the Act of Accession.
Loss of membership
Article 16.- Membership is lost by:
The formal resignation addressed to the coordination of the GC.
Temporary or permanent exclusion for breach or serious misconduct committed with a view to
to tarnish the image of the Organization.
The cancellation proposed by the Board of Directors and approved by the vote of 2/3
members of the General Assembly.
Chapter IV: Organs
Article 17.- The Curent Generation comprises three types of organs:
The Executive Committee
The General Assembly
The Board of Directors.
Of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the guiding body for the design and implementation of the Organization. It brings together founding members and works closely with and is also a member of the Board of Directors.
Of the General Assembly
Article 18.- The General Assembly is the supreme decision-making and deliberative body of the Organization. It meets quarterly under the exclusive convocation of the coordinator. It decides on all cases has entrusted it with the Executive Committee.
Article 19.- If the Coordinator is prevented from attending, the convocation may be made by the Vice-Coordinator. If both are prevented from doing so, the Administrator may, by delegation of the latter's power, convene the other members at a general meeting to discuss a matter of common interest.
Article 20.- The functions of the General Assembly are:
Analyze the reports of all organs related to the Organization.
Analyze and ratify the Organization's annual program.
Elect the General Committee based on a democratic exercise, studying on a case-by-case basis the general policy of candidates for a position within the Organization without compensation and in all fairness.
Article 21.- The preparatory work of the General Assembly is carried out by the Board of Directors. The place, date, and agenda of the meetings of the General Assembly shall be notified in the notice of meetings sent to all organs at least two weeks before the holding of such meetings.
Article 22.- The decisions of the assembly will be recorded in a minute and countersigned by all the members of the bureau. The reading of the minutes will be given at the General Assembly and then transmitted to the Executive Committee for execution.
Article 23.- The term of office of the members of the Bureau of the General Assembly is two years and is renewable only once.
Article 24.- The General Assembly is composed of:
All members of the Board of Directors
And adherent members
Of the Admission Council
Article 25.- The Governing Body is the executive organ of the Organization. It meets once a month in regular session and in special session under the convening of the coordinator.
Its attribution is to:
prepare the meetings of the General Assembly, and the agenda that will be discussed
during the session.
Review the reports of the Commissions.
Appoint those responsible and suspend them, if necessary, from their functions.
prepare the annual budget of the Organization to be submitted for review by
the General Assembly.
seek resources for the functioning of the Organization.
Article 26.- The Board of Directors shall be headed by the coordinator, assisted by officials of the other entities of the Organization. It meets once a month in ordinary session, and under convocation of the Coordination in extraordinary session.
Article 27.- The Board of Directors is composed of:
the coordinator and/or the coordinator
a secretary or his/her deputy
a Public Relations Manager
of the Cooperation Manager
Of the Finance Manager
an Advisor
a Delegate
Chapter V.- Responsibilities of the members of the Curent Generation A.- The Coordinator
Article 28.- The Coordinator is the first person of the Organization with the following responsibility:
Lead and ensure compliance with the status of the Organization.
Work for the development of the Organization.
Chairing meetings of the General Assembly and other high-level meetings
the Organization.
Prepare, with the support of the Governing Body and representatives of all committees, the estimated budget of the Organization, which it will submit to the General Assembly for approval.
Propose to the Board of Directors, the appointment of the heads of the
Commissions and sign their deed of appointment.
Update the list of members of the Organization and send each of these members an official notification mentioning, inter alia, its membership status and the task assigned to it.
Schedule a quarterly meeting on the financial state of the Organization.
Seek funds for the functioning of the Organization.
Countersign the Organization's accounting records.
Represent the Organization
Convene a special meeting of members when necessary.
B- The Vice-Coordinator
Article 29.- The Vice-Coordinator is the second person who is responsible for coordinating the work of the Commissions and accompanying the coordinator in his or her decision-making. Like this deputy, the Vice-Coordinator's mission is to seek ways of functioning for the Organization. In the absence of the coordinator, he shall automatically perform this function until her return.
In the event of the abandonment or death of the Coordinator, the Vice-Coordinator will assume the remainder of the mandate and take appropriate decisions to organize elections, within 15 days before the end of the mandate.
C- From the Public Relations Manager
Article 30.- The Public Relations Officer takes care of all external contacts beneficial to the Organization. He/she manages the schedule of external meetings and plans with the coordination of such meetings. He/she is responsible for preparing, together with the coordination, all external activities of the Organization. In other words, he/she determines the modalities, budget estimates, place, date ... which he/she will submit to the Governing Body for consideration.
D- From the Secretariat
Article 31.- The Secretary is responsible for managing the secretariat of the Organization.
He/she participates in all meetings and ensures the minutes of each meeting, drafts administrative correspondence and shipments to destination.
It is also the responsibility of the secretariat to safeguard the administrative documents of the Organization and prepare appointments for the coordination and management of members' identity documents such as badges.
E- From the Finance Manager
Article 32.- The Finance Officer is the custodian of all administrative and financial activities of the Organization. Its responsibility is to:
Make a good management of all the accounting and administrative documents of
the Organization.
Submit a quarterly financial report to the coordination, which will
present to the General Assembly.
Prepare and periodically submit a financial statement to the Executive Board.
Promote, in collaboration with the coordination and to all other entities,
activities to assist in the economic development of the Organization.
Manage the Organization's account and jointly sign all accounting documents with the coordinator.
Section 33. The Finance Officer is not authorized to make any expenditure without the express authorization of the coordinator.
F- From the Counsellor
Article 34.- The advisers, as their name suggests, have the mission to provide constructive advice that can contribute to the progress of the Organization. They give their opinion on the files submitted to them by the coordination and propose means of solution.
Chapter VI : functional commissions
Article 35.- There are within the GC, Technical Commissions whose missions consist in designing, elaborating projects on behalf of the Organization.
Each Commission shall be headed by an official based on appointment.
Chapter VII: Atom Resources.
Article 36.- The Curent Generation, although a non-profit organization, needs the financial means to carry out its activities. Thus, to meet its needs, it will be up to its members (Founders and adherents) to contribute, according to a schedule defined by the coordination, the Councils, and the heads of the Commissions, to the expenses of the Organization.
The resources of the Organization also come from all other lawful means such as: grants, donations and bequests made by natural or legal persons.
Chapter VIII: Final Provisions
Article 37.- The proposal for rectification or modification of this statute must be made to the Board of Directors at least one month before the holding of the next General Assembly, with a note explaining the reasons for the modification or rectification. The Council will consider the request and submit it to the General Assembly for a vote.
Article 38.- of the indictment
A member of the Organization may be indicted for the following reasons:
Repetitive bad behavior.
My administrative management.
Use the name of the Organization for personal purposes, especially for activities
Seriou’s misconduct and forfeiture.
Breach of trust and other serious misconduct tending to tarnish the image of the Organization.
In these cases, this indictment, to be effective, requires at least the support of 1/3 of the members present at the General Assembly.
Article 39.- Similarly, a person who is the victim of a prejudicial act of the Organization may, depending on the gravity of the act and the refusal of agreement, take legal action for the damage caused to him.
Article 40.- Of the internal regulations
Attached to this Statute is an internal regulation which defines the modalities of operation of the members of the Organization. These regulations are adopted by the Board of Directors and can only be amended by the General Assembly.
Chapter IX : Transitional Provisions
Article 41.- The Heads of the Commissions are elected for a period of two (2) years and eligible for re-election once.
Article 42.- Entry into force
This Statute shall enter into force upon signature by all members of the Executive Committee and may be amended only by the General Assembly in accordance with the procedure adopted.