Take the risk or Lose the chance.
Education is a human right, a public good, and a public responsibility. Current Generation invites you to make Education
the most powerful weapon to achieve your goals. As a result, we have made available to you, some links related to educational
courses, scholarships, internships, and other opportunities.
Current Generation is affiliated with none of these websites, we are just providing you with information on opportunities.
Join Youth Representative Program

Want to make an impactful change in your community? Apply now to join the YRP , to represent youth people at the national and international level.
Cultural Contents Creator

Be part of your country development by creating cultural content of places, heritages painting and more . A content creator is a person who creates entertaining or educational material to be expressed in any medium or channel.
Becas UOC para estudiantes de países de América Latina y el Caribe

La UOC convoca 100 becas parciales para apoyar a estudiantes sobresalientes de los siguientes países de América Latina y el Caribe: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haití, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela, para cursar estudios de Máster Universitario
El estudiantado sobresaliente con ciudadanía en Ecuador y Colombia dispone de una convocatoria de becas específica.
Apply for bachelor degree scholarship and make your study abroad dreams a reality

Are you looking for scholarships to study in the USA? We can help. At educations.com, we believe that students who study abroad become the next generation of globally-minded adventurers – so we want more of you to do it!
UN Volunteer programs

UN Volunteers bring motivation, commitment and a diversity of perspectives, experiences and cultures that enrich the UN system. Whether you are considering or already working with UNV and UN Volunteers, you have probably considered the added value of UN Volunteers and volunteerism to help you deliver your peace, development and humanitarian results.
Devenir un(e) formateur(trice) performant nécessite de la formation et de la pratique. Comme le temps est souvent limité, l'UNITAR rend la formation plus facile avec notre nouveau cours de Formation de Formateurs(trices) en microapprentissage. En suivant l'approche de formation de l'UNITAR, plongez dans les fondamentaux de l'apprentissage, de la conception de la formation et de la facilitation.
Vous pouvez compléter ce mini cours mobile en seulement 90 minutes. Le cours est facilement accessible sur un portable ou une tablette à votre propre rythme. Si l'Internet est instable, vous pouvez télécharger le cours et apprendre simplement hors ligne. Le cours est publié sur la plateforme d'apprentissage EdApp d'Educate All. L'accès est public et gratuit.
Food Waste Prevention

The course aims to raise awareness and build capacities for effective food waste prevention at different stages of the food chain, including processing and manufacturing, retail, restaurants and other food services, as well as households.
Join the prestigious community of Scholars leading global change.

Apply for a one-year, fully-funded master’s program at Tsinghua University in Beijing, designed to build a global community of future leaders who will serve to deepen understanding between China and the rest of the world
The Application Deadline is September 20, 2022 - 11:59PM, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Late applications, even due to latency issues or last minute emergencies, will not be accepted.
Departamento de Estudios Regionales (DER)

El Departamento de Estudios Regionales (DER) de la Universidad para la Paz ofrece programas de maestría en idioma español, actualmente ejecutados en varios países de América Latina.
Servicio de Intercambio Académico Alemán (DAAD)

El Servicio Alemán de Intercambio Académico (DAAD) es la organización promotora del intercambio internacional de estudiantes y científicos más grande del mundo. Como asociación de universidades y colectividades de estudiantes representa a nivel mundial a 231 universidades e instituciones de educación superior alemanas. El DAAD cuenta con más de 500 representantes en casi 100 países.